NTIRE 2017 Super-Resolution Challenge - Track 2: Unknown downscaling - x2 Forum

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> Error submitting to the validation server


When I tried to submit to the validation server I got this error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/codalabtemp/tmpXm5o56/run/program/evaluation.py", line 100, in
File "/codalabtemp/tmpXm5o56/run/program/evaluation.py", line 38, in compute_psnr
File "/codalabtemp/tmpXm5o56/run/program/evaluation.py", line 17, in output_psnr_mse
squared_error = np.square(img_orig - img_out)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1340,2024,3) (1336,2024,3)

What does this means?
The error seems to come from '0801x2.png'. The LR size of this image is (678, 1020, 3) and my HR results
size is (1356, 2040, 3).


Posted by: hewavithara @ April 3, 2017, 1:43 a.m.
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