NTIRE 2017 Super-Resolution Challenge - Track 1: Bicubic downscaling - x2 Forum

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> Winner's criteria

I don't know how do Committee decide winner.
Is only PSNR, SSIM score the only criterion??
Is process time or usage of other dataset also the criterion??
Do you recommend usage of other dataset??

Please let me know what is the decision criterion of winner(1st~3nd).
Thank you in advance for clarifying this.

Best regards,
- Woong

Posted by: iorism @ March 29, 2017, 9:18 a.m.

Hi Woong,

The main criteria for deciding the winners and the awarded prizes is the performance as quantified by PSNR/SSIM on the test data, runtime (GPU/CPU), use of extra data, on all 6 competitions.

The method/solution description from the factsheets (a requirement for final test phase) together with the achieved performance and reproducibility of the results will allow us to define (sub)categories and corresponding awards.

Examples of such hypothetical subcategories could be:

1) track 1 vs.
track 2 solutions

2) methods that do not use training data at all and for each input image optimizes everything on that single image input vs.
methods that learn from provided train data vs.
methods that use extra data for training

3) ensemble methods vs.
single methods

4) efficient methods (wrt runtime, memory, training) or not
robust methods or not (for example, work well for different magnification factors and/or downscaling operators)

5) novel methods vs.
published methods vs.
improved existing methods

Novel approaches and interesting methods are welcomed.
We will weight more those methods validated on multiple competitions (for example, for all 3 competitions from track 1, for all 3 competitions from track 2, or, ideally, for all 6 competitions).

We will invite the winners and the participants with novel and/or interesting methods to co-author the final report and to submit papers to the challenge track of our NTIRE2017 workshop.

If you have other questions please let me know.


Posted by: Radu @ March 29, 2017, 1:34 p.m.
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