KPA 2021 shared task

Organized by lenadankin - Current server time: Jan. 14, 2025, 10:54 p.m. UTC


Track 1 (post evaluation)
July 2, 2021, noon UTC


Track 2 (post evaluation)
July 2, 2021, noon UTC


Competition Ends

Track 1 (development)

Start: May 2, 2021, midnight

Description: Evaluate your results of the development set provided for track 1

Track 1 (evaluation)

Start: June 24, 2021, midnight

Description: Submit your results for track 1

Track 2 (evaluation)

Start: June 24, 2021, midnight

Description: Submit your results for track 2

Track 1 (post evaluation)

Start: July 2, 2021, noon

Track 2 (post evaluation)

Start: July 2, 2021, noon

Competition Ends


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