RuShiftEval Competition

Organized by akutuzov - Current server time: Feb. 14, 2025, 5:45 a.m. UTC


Feb. 22, 2021, midnight UTC


Feb. 1, 2021, midnight UTC


Competition Ends
March 1, 2021, 4 a.m. UTC


Start: Jan. 1, 2021, midnight

Description: Practice phase. Please submit a ZIP archive with two tab-separated files: one for the change between the pre-Soviet and Soviet period (RuSemShift1), another for the change between the Soviet and post-Soviet periods (RuSemShift2). See the starting kit in the Files tab for the right format.


Start: Feb. 1, 2021, midnight

Description: Development phase. Please submit a ZIP-archive with tab-separated file called answer.tsv, where each line contains the word and three non-negative values, corresponding to semantic change between the three pairs of periods: pre-Soviet - Soviet, Soviet - post-Soviet, pre-Soviet - post-Soviet. See the starting kit for the right format.


Start: Feb. 22, 2021, midnight

Description: Evaluation phase. Please submit a ZIP-archive with tab-separated file called answer.tsv, where each line contains the word and three non-negative values, corresponding to semantic change between the three pairs of periods: pre-Soviet - Soviet, Soviet - post-Soviet, pre-Soviet - post-Soviet. See the starting kit for the right format.

Competition Ends

March 1, 2021, 4 a.m.

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# Username Score
1 aryzhova 0.790
2 vanyatko 0.806
3 svart 0.655