In this challenge, we will release a large cross-ethnicity dataset CASIA-SURF CeFA for face antispoofing (please refer to [1]). It includes four protocols. But for this challenge, we have two tracks and only use protocol 4 (Cross-ethnicity & PAI).
In both tracks, we provide the same dataset which is part of CASIA-SURF CeFA. The challenge includes the development stage and the final ranking stage. In the development stage, the released data (training and valid subsets) has the same attacks. In the final ranking stage, it includes not only the same attacks in the training subset but also unknown attacks.
Track 1 (Multi-modal data): It uses the protocol 4 (Cross-ethnicity & PAI) in [1]. Participates can use multiple modalities, such as RGB, depth and IR data. Any extra data or pretrained model cannot be used in track 1.
Track 2 (Single-modal (RGB ) data): It uses the protocol protocol 4 (Cross-ethnicity & PAI) in [1]. But participates are permitted to use the single RGB modality. Any extra data or pretrained model cannot be used in track 2.
In this website, it is track 1 focusing on face anti-spoofing attack detection based on multi-modal data.
[1] Ajian Liu, Zichang Tan, Xuan Li, Jun Wan*, Sergio Escalera, Guodong Guo, Stan Z. Li, " Static and Dynamic Fusion for Multi-modal Cross-ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing", arxiv, 2019.
We use the following evaluation metrics :
Eventually, we use the ACER to determine the final ranking.
[Note: Participates can use RGB, Depth, and IR data as you need.]
The competition is completed in two phases (phase1, phase2). In order to successfully complete the evaluation results, participants need to pay attention to the following points:
Protocol ModelName Train_txt Dev_txt Test_txt
4_1 4@1 4@1_train.txt 4@1_dev_res.txt 4@1_dev_res.txt, 4@1_test_res.txt
4_2 4@2 4@2_train.txt 4@2_dev_res.txt 4@2_dev_res.txt, 4@2_test_res.txt
4_3 4@3 4@3_train.txt 4@3_dev_res.txt 4@3_dev_res.txt, 4@3_test_res.txt
model4@1 is used to predict the sample scores in 4@1_dev_res.txt;
model4@2 is used to predict the sample scores in 4@2_dev_res.txt;
model4@3 is used to predict the sample scores in 4@3_dev_res.txt.
Therefore, there are three predicted sample score files in phase1. In order to submit results at one time, participants need to combine the 3 predicted files into one file before result submission via codalab system. The merge way is below:
(1) merge order:
(2) merge way:
Continue straight by column.
The final merged file (for submission) contains a total of 600 lines. Each line in the file contains two parts separated by a space. The first part is the relative path of each video, and the second part is the prediction score given by the model (representing the probability that the sample (video) belongs to the real face). Such as:
dev/003000 0.15361 #Note: line 1- the first row of 4@1_dev_res.txt
dev/003199 0.15361 #Note: line 200- the last row of 4@1_dev_res.txt
dev/003200 0.40134 #Note: line 201- the first row of 4@2_dev_res.txt
dev/003399 0.40134 #Note: line 400- the last row of 4@2_dev_res.txt
dev/003400 0.23394 #Note: line 401- the first row of 4@3_dev_res.txt
dev/003599 0.23394 #Note: line 600- the last row of 4@3_dev_res.txt
(1) merge order:
4@1_dev_res.txt,4@1_test_res.txt, 4@2_dev_res.txt,4@2_test_res.txt, 4@3_dev_res.txt, 4@3_test_res.txt.
(2) merge method:
Continue straight by column.
The final merged file (for submission) contains a total of 7,200 lines. Each line in the file contains two parts separated by a space. Such as:
dev/003000 0.15361 #Note: line 1- the first row of 4@1_dev_res.txt
test/000001 0.94860 #Note: line 201- the first row of 4@1_test_res.txt
dev/003200 0.40134 #Note: line 2401- the first row of 4@2_dev_res.txt
test/001201 0.23847 #Note: line 2601- the first row of 4@2_test_res.txt
dev/003400 0.23394 #Note: line 4801- the first row of 4@3_dev_res.txt
test/001201 0.62544 #Note: line 5001- the first row of 4@3_test_res.txt
Importantly, we will first find the best threshold on the prediction score of the development data, and then use the defined threshold to calculate the ACER on the test set of CASIA-SURF CeFA.
CHALEARN Contest Rules for
Face anti-spoofing Attack Detection@CVPR 2020
Official rules
Common terms used in these rules:
These are the official rules that govern how the Face anti-spoofing Attack Detection@CVPR 2020 promotion will operate. This promotion will be simply referred to as the “contest” or the “challenge” throughout the rest of these rules and maybe abbreviated on our website, in our documentation, and other publications as ChaLearn LAP.
In these rules, “organizers”, “we,” “our,” and “us” refer to CHALEARN and MS refer to Microsoft; "participant”, “you,” and “yourself” refer to an eligible contest participant.
SECTION 1 Contest description
This is a skill-based contest and chance plays no part in the determination of the winner(s). The contest consists of four tracks:
(a) Multi-modal Cross-ethnicity Face anti-spoofing Recognition Challenge track.
(b) Single-modal (RGB) Cross-ethnicity Face anti-spoofing Recognition Challenge track.
For all the two tracks, eligible entries received will be judged using the ACER criteria to determine winners.
SECTION 2 Tentative Contest Schedule
The registered participants will be notified by email of any change in the schedule.
10 December, 2019: Beginning of the competition three tracks, release of development and validation data, validation labels.
14 February, 2020: Release of encrypted final test data and labels of development data.
16 February, 2020: Release of final evaluation data decryption key . Participants start predicting the results on the final evaluation data.
26 February, 2020: Deadline for code submission.
1 March, 2020: End of the quantitative competition. Deadline for submitting the predictions on the final evaluation data. Code verification phase.
3 March, 2020: Deadline for submitting fact sheets.
10 March, 2020: Release of the verification results to the participants for review. Participants are invited to follow the paper submission guide for submitting contest papers.
22 March, 2020: Paper submission deadline for submitting their CVPRW paper (
5 April, 2020: Notification of paper acceptance.
12 April, 2020: Camera-ready submission.
TBD: Workshop @CVPR 2020, challenge results, award ceremony (workshop website:
SECTION 3 Eligibility
You are eligible to enter this contest if you meet the following requirements:
(a) You are an individual or a team of people desiring to contribute to the tasks of the challenge and accepting to follow its rules, and You are NOT a resident of any country constrained by US export regulations included in the OFAC sanction page Therefore residents of these countries/regions are not eligible to participate; and You are not an employee of CHALEARN or any of the sponsoring or co-organizing entities, including Microsoft; and
(b) You are not involved in any part of the administration and execution of this contest; and
(c) You are not an immediate family (parent, sibling, spouse, or child) or household member of an employee of CHALEARN, Microsoft, or a person involved in any part of the administration and execution of this contest.
This contest is void within the geographic area identified above and wherever else prohibited by law.
If you choose to submit an entry but are not qualified to enter the contest, this entry is voluntary, and any entry you submit is governed by the remainder of these contest rules; CHALEARN reserves the right to evaluate it for scientific purposes. If you are not qualified to submit a contest entry and still choose to submit one, under no circumstances will such entries qualify for sponsored prizes.
To be eligible for judging, an entry must meet the following content/technical requirements:
(a) Entry contents: The participants are required to submit prediction results and code. To be eligible for prizes, the top-ranking participants are required to publicly release their code under a license of their choice, taken among popular OSI-approved licenses ( and make their code accessible on-line for a period of not less than three years following the end of the challenge (only required for top three ranked participants of each competition track). To be part of the final ranking the participants will be asked to fill out a survey (fact sheet) briefly describing their method. The top-ranking participants and the rest of participants are also invited (not mandatory) to submit a maximum 8-page paper for the proceedings of the CVPR 2020 Workshop on "4th Workshop on Media Forensics". To be eligible for prizes, the top-ranked participants' scores must improve the baseline performance provided by the challenge organizers and submit their training and testing code to organizers. The final ranking is based on the results which are obtained by the organizer using the code of participates.
(b) Pre-requisite: There is no pre-requisite to participate, including no requirement to have participated in previous challenges.
(c) Use of data provided: All data provided by CHALEARN are freely available to the participants from the website of the challenge under license terms provided with the data. The data are available only for open research and educational purposes, within the scope of the challenge. ChaLearn and the organizers make no warranties regarding the database, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose. The copyright of the images remains the property of their respective owners. By downloading and making use of the data, you accept full responsibility for using the data. You shall defend and indemnify ChaLearn and the organizers, including their employees, Trustees, officers, and agents, against any and all claims arising from your use of the data. You agree not to redistribute the data without this notice.
(1) Test data:
The organizers will use test data to perform the final evaluation, hence the participants’ final entry will be based on test data.
(2) Training and validation data:
The contest organizers will make available to the participants a training dataset with truth values, and a validation set with no truth values. The validation data will be used by the participants for practice purposes to validate their systems. It will be similar in composition to the test set (validation labels will be provided in the final test stage of the challenge).
(3) Post-challenge analyses:
The organizers may also perform additional post-challenge analyses using extra data, but the results will not affect the ranking of the challenge performed with the test data.
(d) Submission: The entries of the participants will be submitted on-line via the Codalab web platform. During the development period, the participants will receive immediate feed-back on validation data released for practice purposes. For the final evaluation, the results will be computed automatically on test data submissions. The performances on test data will not be released until the challenge is over.
(e) Original work, permissions: In addition, by submitting your entry into this contest you confirm that, to the best of your knowledge:
(1) Your entry is your own original work; and
(2) Your entry only includes material that you own, or that you have permission from the copyright/trademark owner to use.
(f) Minimum performance: Your entry must overperform the baseline entry provided by the organizers.
SECTION 5 Potential use of entry
Other than what is set forth below, we are not claiming any ownership rights to your entry. However, by submitting your entry, you:
(a) Are granting us an irrevocable, worldwide right and license, in exchange for your opportunity to participate in the contest and potential prize awards, for the duration of the protection of the copyrights to:
(1) Use, review, assess, test and otherwise analyze results submitted or produced by your code and other material submitted by you in connection with this contest and any future research or contests sponsored by CHALEARN and Microsoft; and
(2) Feature your entry and all its content in connection with the promotion of this contest in all media (now known or later developed);
(b) Agree to sign any necessary documentation that may be required for us and our designees to make use of the rights you granted above;
(c) Understand and acknowledge that Microsoft and other entrants may have developed or commissioned materials similar or identical to your submission and you waive any claims you may have resulting from any similarities to your entry;
(d) Understand that we cannot control the incoming information you will disclose to our representatives or our co-sponsor’s representatives in the course of entering, or what our representatives will remember about your entry. You also understand that we will not restrict work assignments of representatives or our co-sponsor’s representatives who have had access to your entry. By entering this contest, you agree that use of information in our representatives’ or our co-sponsor’s representatives unaided memories in the development or deployment of our products or services does not create liability for us under this agreement or copyright or trade secret law;
(e) Understand that you will not receive any compensation or credit for use of your entry, other than what is described in these official rules.
If you do not want to grant us these rights to your entry, please do not enter this contest.
SECTION 6 Submission of entries
(a) Follow the instructions on the Codalab website to submit entries.
(b) The participants will be registered as mutually exclusive teams. Each team may submit only one single final entry. We are not responsible for entries that we do not receive for any reason, or for entries that we receive but are not functioning properly.
(c) The participants must follow the instructions. We will automatically disqualify incomplete or invalid entries.
SECTION 7 Judging the entries
The board of CHALEARN will select a panel of judges to judge the entries; all judges will be forbidden to enter the contest and will be experts in computer vision, statistics, machine learning, or a related field, or experts in challenge organization. A list of the judges will be made available upon request. The judges will review all eligible entries received and select three winners for each of the three competition tracks based upon the prediction score on test data. The judges will verify that the winners complied with the rules, including that they documented their method by filling out a fact sheet.
The decisions of these judges are final and binding. The distribution of prizes according to the decisions made by the judges will be made within three (3) months after completion of the last round of the contest. If we do not receive a sufficient number of entries meeting the entry requirements, we may, at our discretion based on the above criteria, not award any or all of the contest prizes below. In the event of a tie between any eligible entries, the tie will be broken by giving preference to the earliest submission, using the time stamp of the submission platform.
SECTION 8 Prizes and Awards
(a) ChaLearn, University of Barcelona, Université Paris Saclay, Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis Group, INAOE, CASIA, are the financial sponsors of this contest. There will be travel grants for the winners (based on availability) to boost contest participation.
(a) Travel awards:
Travel awards and free registrations will be distributed to top-ranked participants of each track based upon need and availability.
(b) If for any reason the advertised prize is unavailable, unless to do so would be prohibited by law, we reserve the right to substitute a prize(s) of equal or greater value, as permitted. We will only award one prize per team within each competition track, but the team can obtain prizes from different tracks. If you are selected as a potential winner of this contest:
(1) If your prize is not in cash, you may not exchange your prize for cash; you may not exchange any prize for other merchandise or services.
(2) You may not designate someone else as the winner. If you are unable or unwilling to accept your prize, we will award it to an alternate potential winner.
(3) If you accept a prize, you will be solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting the prize.
(4) If you are a minor in your place of residence, we may award the prize to your parent/legal guardian on your behalf and your parent/legal guardian will be designated as the winner.
SECTION 9 Other Sponsored Events
(1) To stimulate participation, the organizers are making available several channels of the scientific paper publication. Publishing papers is optional and will not be a condition to entering the challenge or winning prizes.
(2) The results of the challenge will be published in the CVPR 2020 Workshop.
The organizers may also sponsor other events to stimulate participation.
SECTION 10 Notifications
If there is any change to data, schedule, instructions of participation, or these rules, the registered participants will be notified at the email they provided with the registration.
If you are a potential winner, we will notify you by sending a message to the e-mail address listed on your final entry within seven days following the determination of winners. If the notification that we send is returned as undeliverable, or you are otherwise unreachable for any reason, we may award the prize to an alternate winner, unless forbidden by applicable law.
Winners who have entered the contest as a team will be responsible to share any prize among their members. The prize will be delivered to the registered team leader. If this person becomes unavailable for any reason, the prize will be delivered to be the authorized account holder of the e-mail address used to make the winning entry.
If you are a potential winner, we may require you to sign a declaration of eligibility, use, indemnity and liability/publicity release and applicable tax forms. If you are a potential winner and are a minor in your place of residence, and we require that your parent or legal guardian will be designated as the winner, and we may require that they sign a declaration of eligibility, use, indemnity and liability/publicity release on your behalf. If you, (or your parent/legal guardian if applicable), do not sign and return these required forms within the time period listed on the winner notification message, we may disqualify you (or the designated parent/legal guardian) and select an alternate selected winner.
SECTION 11 On-line notification
We will post changes in the rules or changes in the data as well as the names of confirmed winners (after contest decisions are made by the judges) online on This list will remain posted for one year or will be made available upon request by sending email to
SECTION 12 Conditions. By entering this contest you agree:
(a) To abide by these official rules;
(b) To the extent allowable under applicable law, to release and hold harmless CHALEARN and sponsors, their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees and agents from any and all liability or any injury, loss, damage, right, claim or action of any kind arising from or in connection with this contest or any prize won save for residents of the United Kingdom, Chile, Korea, Greece, Brazil, Turkey, Hong Kong, France, and Germany with respect to claims resulting from death or personal injury arising from CHALEARN’s and Microsoft and University of Barcelona’s negligence, for residents of the United Kingdom with respect to claims resulting from the tort of deceit or any other liabilities that may not be excluded by law, and for residents of Australia in respect of any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which from these official rules would contravene any statute or cause any part of these official rules to be void;
(c) That CHALEARN’s decisions will be final and binding on all matters related to this contest; and
(d) That by accepting a prize, CHALEARN and competition sponsors may use your team name, your name, and your place of residence online and in print, or in any other media, in connection with this contest, without payment or compensation to you. The declaration of eligibility, use, indemnity and liability/publicity release provided to the potential winner will make reference to obtaining his/her free consent to use his/her name and place of residence. In any case, the lack of such consent does not prevent the winner from receiving the prize.
(e) This contest will be governed by the laws of the state of California, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the state of California for any disputes arising out of this contest. For residents of Austria only: you may withdraw your submission from this contest within seven days of your entry. If you withdraw within seven days of entry, your submission will be returned to you, and we will not make any use of your submission in the future. However, you will not be eligible to win a prize. If you do not withdraw within seven days of entry, you will be bound by the provisions of these official rules. For residents of the United Kingdom only: the provisions of the contracts (rights of third parties) act 1999 will not apply to this agreement. For residents of New Zealand only: the provisions of the contracts (privity) act of 1982 will not apply to this agreement.For Quebec residents: any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des Alcools, des Courses et des Jeux for ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the Régie only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement. For residents of Israel only: this agreement does not entitle third parties to benefits under this agreement as defined in Chapter “D” of the Contracts Act (General Part) – 1973.
SECTION 13 Unforeseen event
If an unforeseen or unexpected event (including, but not limited to: someone cheating; a virus, bug, or catastrophic event corrupting data or the submission platform; someone discovering a flaw in the data or modalities of the challenge) that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled, (also referred to as force majeure)affects the fairness and / or integrity of this contest, we reserve the right to cancel, change or suspend this contest. This right is reserved whether the event is due to human or technical error. If a solution cannot be found to restore the integrity of the contest, we reserve the right to select winners based on the criteria specified above from among all eligible entries received before we had to cancel, change or suspend the contest subject to obtaining the approval from the Régie des Alcools, des Courses et des Jeux with respect to the province of Quebec.
Computer “hacking” is unlawful. If you attempt to compromise the integrity or the legitimate operation of this contest by hacking or by cheating or committing fraud in any way, we may seek damages from you to the fullest extent permitted by law. Further, we may ban you from participating in any of our future contests, so please play fairly.
SECTION 14 Sponsor
ChaLearn is the sponsor of this contest.
955 Creston Road
Berkeley, CA 94708, USA
Microsoft, University of Barcelona, Université Paris Saclay, Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis group, INAOE, and CASIA, are the co-sponsors of this contest. Additional sponsors can be added during the competition period.
During the development phase of the contest and when they submit their final entries, contest participants do not need to disclose their real identity, but must provide a valid email address where we can be deliver notifications to them regarding the contest. To be eligible for prizes, however, contest participants will need to disclose their real identity to contest organizers, informing them by email of their name, professional affiliation, and address. To enter the contest, the participants will need to become users of the Codalab platform. Any profile information stored on this platform can be viewed and edited by the users. After the contest, the participants may cancel their account with the Codalab and cease to be users of that platform. All personal information will then be destroyed. The Codalab privacy policy will apply to contest information submitted by participants on the Codalab. Otherwise, CHALEARN’s privacy policy will apply to this contest and to all information that we receive from your entry that we receive directly from you or which you have submitted as part of your contest entry on the Codalab. Please read the privacy policy on the contest entry page before accepting the official rules and submitting your entry. Please note that by accepting the official rules you are also accepting the terms of the CHALEARN privacy policy:
Start: Dec. 13, 2019, midnight
Description: Development phase
Start: Feb. 16, 2020, midnight
Description: Final ranking stage
March 1, 2020, 11 p.m.
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