Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation for the Russian Language: bts-rnc dataset

Organized by lopuhin - Current server time: Feb. 14, 2025, 5:36 a.m. UTC


Testing: bts-rnc
Dec. 1, 2017, midnight UTC


Post-competition: evaluation on test data
Feb. 4, 2018, 11:59 p.m. UTC


Competition Ends

Testing: bts-rnc

Start: Dec. 1, 2017, midnight

Description: Submit test predictions by uploading a ***zip archive*** with a .csv or .tsv file.

Post-competition: evaluation on test data

Start: Feb. 4, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Description: Submit test predictions by uploading a ***zip archive*** with a .csv or .tsv file.

Competition Ends


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